Chihuahua Corgi Mix Puppy

Chihuahua Corgi mix puppy is a cross between Chihuahua and Corgi dogs. These dogs are loyal, intelligent and energetic. This breed is also known as Chigi. If you are looking for a small dog with a big personality then this breed is great. But they are not best for everyone. If you want to know if Chigi is suitable for you or not, read this guide till the end. 

Chihuahua Corgi Mix Puppy Breed Overview

Chihuahua Corgi mix puppy

7 – 12 inches


10 – 20 pounds

Chihuahua Corgi mix puppy

12 – 14 years

Chihuahua Corgi mix puppy

White, black, silver,

brindle, fawn, gray

Chihuahua Corgi mix puppy
Suitable for:

Households with children, multiple dogs or other pets, inexperienced dog owners, apartment living

Chihuahua Corgi mix puppy

Friendly, devoted, affectionate, loyal, playful

Chihuahua Corgi Mix Puppy

Other Names

  • Chi-Corgi
  • Chorgi


  • ACHC = American Canine Hybrid Club
  • DBR = Designer Breed Registry
  • DDKC = Designer Dogs Kennel Club
  • DRA = Dog Registry of America, Inc.
  • IDCR = International Designer Canine Registry

What is a Chihuahua Corgi mix?

Chihuahua Corgi Mix Puppy

The Chigi or the Chihuahua Corgi mix is a rare mix. It’s known as bold, feisty and smart. This very excellent companion and is very alert dogs so prone to barking. This is friendly, quite active and sheds heavily. 

History of the Chihuahua Corgi Mix

Chihuahua Corgi Mix Puppy

The Chigi history is a few decades old, to know the history of this breed you have to know about the history of the parents breed.

Chihuahua Breed

Chihuahuas originated from Mexico where the toltecs had the large Chihuahua ancestors, the Techichi. It is believed that the Chihuahua ancestors were mute. These silent dogs transfer into the yappy dog that is the result of the crossbreeding. These dogs found their way into America in the 1800s. By 1908 this breed had official AKC recognition.  

Corgi Breed

Corgis originated from the Teckel family that are the parents of Dachshunds too. The Corgis main job was driving cattles and helping their owner away from predators and other herds. The Viking invasion of Wales and influx of Flemish weavers  about 1000 years ago saw the introduction of Spitz-type dogs, resulting in the development of the Corgis. 

Physical Appearance of Chihuahua Corgi mix

The Chihuahua Corgi mix are small to medium size dogs that have weight between 10-12 pounds and 7-12 inches tall from shoulder. They maintain the Corgis’ long body with short legs.

They come in a range of colors including tan, blue, chocolate, fawn, red, black, sable and rare colors like chocolate blue and merle. They have dark brown to hazel eye color. They have dark fleshy noses, the lighter coat dogs have light color noses. 

They have heads like Chihuahua apple heads and bulgy eyes. It’s difficult to predict how Chigi look because these come from three foundation breeds. 

Chigi Temperament and Intelligence

Chihuahua Corgi Mix Puppy

The Chigi are very intelligent dogs that are loyal, affectionate and playful but sometimes can be stubborn. They are great dogs for families with children but they can be injured with rough play. So train your children how to interact with these little dogs. They are intelligent, so easy to train and want to learn new tricks. 

If they are properly socialized then they can easily get along with other pets. They are fine with other dogs as long as they are raised together. Chigi’s herding instincts may take over occasionally when it comes to any small animal such as cats, mice etc. With training they can stop doing this.


Things to know when owing Corgi Chihuahua mix

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

Chihuahua Corgi Mix Puppy

Chigis  don’t need to eat much because they are small dogs. You have to give them food that is high in quality and has all necessary nutrients. Make sure not feed them too much because it can cause obesity. Ensure the access of fresh and clean water every time. If you are not sure how much your Chigi should eat, make the schedule after asking the vet. 

Exercise 🐕

Being small dogs they are energetic animals that need 1 hour exercise daily. You can take your dog for a walk, play fetch in the yard, or visit the dog park. They have short legs so they can’t walk as far like larger dogs. 

Training 🎾

Chihuahua Corgi Mix Puppy

The Chigi’s Chihuahua parents have a stubborn streak that Chigi inherited. They are intelligent animals that can sometimes be stubborn so their training can be difficult. It’s important to start obedience training from an early age so they can learn basic commands early and develop the foundation for learning desirable behavior.  

Grooming ✂️

Chihuahua Corgi Mix Puppy

Chihuahua Corgi mixes have short coats that need to brush once a week to keep shedding at bay. Brushing the teeth and trimming the nails regularly are also included in grooming requirements. Make sure to clean their ears on a regular basis to prevent infection. 

Chigi Health and Conditions

Like many crossbreeds, Chigi is a healthy breed. However there are some health condition that you need to be aware before getting the Chigis:

  • Glaucoma
  • Anxiety
  • Skin issues
  • Overactive tear ducts
  • Diabetes
  • Patellar luxation
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Hypoglycemia

Male Vs Female

Chihuahua Corgi Mix Puppy

Every dog has his own individual personality. But there are behavioral and physical differences between males and females. Males are always larger than females. Both genders are still small dogs. 

Males are more playful than females and females are more reserved. Females mature faster and are easier to train than male Chigis. Males can be more stubborn than females. Some behavioral differences like marking territory and going to the heat can be reduced by neutering or spaying your pet.

Little-Known Facts About the Chigi

Chihuahua Corgi Mix Puppy

  • The Chigi is one of the smallest designer dog breed 
  • The Chihuahua are small dogs but have biggest dog brain
  • Corgis make great watch dogs 

Final Words

The Chihuahua Corgi mix also known as Chigi, overall is a good fit for many homes. Particularly living in an apartment or small living. This is fit for seniors, singles or families looking for companions, but the small children can harm them; so it is not good for children’s homes. They are suitable for first time owners who don’t know how to care for a dog. They are fast learners but sometimes can be stubborn. 


The Chigi cost about $300 to $1000 , depending on the breeder and location. If you adopt from a rescue you have to pay $50 to $300 for adoption costs.

The Chigi is the mix between Chihuahua and Corgi, they are intelligent, loyal and energetic. They are small dogs with big personalities. 

The Chihuahua Corgi mix lifespan is between 12-14 years. 

For a time, Cardigans and Pembrokes were bred together. Then, in 1934, the Kennel Club officially recognized the Pembrokeshire Corgi (or Corgi) as a separate breed.

Chihuahua Corgi Mix Puppy

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