How to make a Chihuahua happy

Chihuahua are adorable, small dogs and are very popular in the United States. Chihuahuas come in different sizes and looks and everyone has their own personality. They are very affectionate towards his owner. Like other dogs Chihuahua has its own needs and many Chihuahua owners don’t know how to care of  his dog. So, today we are going to discuss how to make a Chihuahua happy. So, be with us!

how to make a Chihuahua happy

How to make a Chihuahua happy😊

When it comes to talking about a happy Chihuahua, there are some ways that will be simple. Others may require some more effort from your side. Whatever the case, you can find the methods that work well and keep Chihuahuas happy and healthy and meet their needs. Here are some easy steps that you can take to make your Chihuahua feel joy:

1. Take them on a walk or even Hike🐕

how to make a Chihuahua happy

To keep your Chihuahua happy and healthy take them on a walk or even hike. This will help to exercise which they require and also help them to socialize with other pets and people. Make sure to take them on walks according to their age and size, too much walking from little Chihuahuas can cause tiredness.

2. Feed them a balanced Diet🍽

how to make a Chihuahua happy

Another way to keep your Chihuahua healthy and happy is to give them a balanced diet of dry and wet food. This will help to provide them nutrients and also keep them hydrated. You also keep in mind to feed them in the right amount, over feeding can cause obesity. If you are not sure how much food is best for your Chihuahua then ask your vet. 

3. Sleeping with their owners😴

Most of the Chihuahuas want to sleep in their owners lap when they are tired after playing. These are very caring and loving dogs and for them nothing is better than sleeping with their favorite person beneath a warm blanket. 

4. Give them attention😻

How to make a Chihuahua happy

Giving your Chihuahua plenty of attention on a regular basis is one of the things to keep your Chihuahua happy. They love to remain in the company of their owner, whether that’s through playing, cuddling and walking. 

Keep in mind Chihuahuas are a companion dog so be ready, they can be clingy anytime, anywhere. 

5. Chihuahua love to play games🎲

how to make a Chihuahua happy

Chihuahuas love to play games and run around. They like to play tug-of-war, pouncing and chasing things. Whatever your Chihuahua likes to play games or with toys, start it for them to make them happy. With playing activities they will remain active and safe from boredom and restlessness and provide mental stimulation. 

6. Watching Cartoons on TV📺

Chihuahuas love to watch TV.  They love watching movies of other dogs, cats and nature. Watching TV is a new way to create a bond with your Chihuahua. So, get ready for a collection of the dog movies for you Chihuahua.  

7. Hanging out with people🤼

How to make a Chihuahua happy

Chihuahua like to navigate the world but make sure it is safe. When taking your Chihuahua outside for a picnic, always use the leash. In this way you can secure them from larger animals. 

Crate training is also very beneficial, especially in the unfamiliar environment. It’s the best idea to create a “Den” for your pet where they can rest and feel secure. In this way they can socialize with other people safely. 

8. Provide them Interactive Toys🧸

One of the most effective ways to prevent boredom and depression is to keep their mind occupied. For this you can provide them interactive and engaging toys that will keep your Chihuahua entertained and happy all day. 

You can use little balls, soft toys and puzzles to keep them stimulated and interested. But make sure to give them large toys to play with because they can swallow the small toys that can be dangerous.  

9. Socialize with other dogs🐩

how to make a Chihuahua happy

Chihuahuas are friendly dogs and want to interact with other dogs. You can take them to a doggy park or have play dates with your friend’s dogs. Chihuahuas can become stressed and anxious if they do not interact with other dogs. 

It is very important to keep an eye on them while playing with other dogs because they are too small and fragile so they can hurt easily. 

10. Keep their Ears clean👂

How to make a Chihuahua happy

Chihuahuas breed prone to ear infection. They have sensitive ears that can easily get dirt and debris trapped in them. You should regularly clean its ears to prevent dirt. You can clean a cotton ball soak in warm water and the second option is commercial dog ear cleaner.

If you notice your Chihuahua is scratching his ears too much and if they seem red then take your Chihuahua to a vet.

11. Teach them something new

While Chihuahuas are nor more intelligent dogs, they enjoy learning new things. By teaching them a new trick and command you can spend an intentional  time with them. When you train them be sure your tone should be friendly and firm. 

Positive reinforcement method will work well. Chihuahuas will respond according to the type of treat which they receive. You can also explore something new such as a new park and trial to keep them engaged in different activities. 

12. They love a clear Window View 📸

Chihuahuas are constantly interested in what is going on around them. Due to this they love to sit near the window. They pass the time waiting for their beloved person to get home. 

They love to watch the world through windows especially when you live in a busy area. But make sure your window area should be secure for your Chihuahua.

How can I know if my Chihuahua is happy? 😆

How to make a Chihuahua happy

Here are some signs that reveal your Chihuahua joy and calming:

  • When they lay on their back and one leg raises while playing.
  • They chase you around for cuddles.
  • While playing with you they roll down the floor. 
  • They lick your face.
  • They sleep in your lap.
  • They are friendly with other pets.
  • While playing with you they bow down.
  • They wiggle their bodies around you.
  • They expose their belly for rubbing.


In summary, Chihuahuas are more expressive than you can think. To make them happy is very important for their well-being. There are many things which you can do for their joy such as, exploring the outdoors, providing them with special toys, a round of play time, giving them their favorite treat and so many which we discussed in the above article. 

If you are a new Chihuahua owner or are thinking of getting a Chihuahua then I hope this guide has been informative for you. Bring a Chihuahua in your home and give them care and joy, he will bring happiness in your life. 


Playing with them is one of the best ways to create a bond with your Chihuahua. You can play fetch, tug-of-war and other games which they like. In this way Chihuahuas will develop a positive association with you. 

They are very friendly and caring and they love nothing  more than the cuddling with their favorite person. They love to sleep next to their owner.

When Chihuahuas experience anxiety some calm music and white noises make them calm. This provides a calm environment and reduces their anxiety and stress level.

There are many things which you can do for their joy such as, exploring the outdoors, providing them with special toys, mental stimulation, a round of play time, giving them their favorite treat, and owner’s attention. 

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