Common Health Issues Of Chihuahuas

Chihuahuas are tiny, adorable and popular dogs that can be prone to many health issues. Due to their size the health problems of Chihuahuas are related to skeleton and respiratory systems including windpipe and knees. They are not prone to many health issues like other larger breeds. 

Fortunately many diseases can be treated early if detected on time. In this guide we will explain common health issues of Chihuahuas, how to spot them and their solution. So, read it till the end!

Common Health Issues Of Chihuahuas

Common Health Issues Of Chihuahuas🧾🐶

If you have a Chihuahua you must take care of your pup. So, common health issues may surface from time to time. Here are most common health issue of Chihuahua and their solutions:

1. Luxating patella💢

It’s also called patellar luxation and it’s a term for a dislocated kneecap. This is a genetic problem and can occur as early as four months after their birth. There is no any thing that you can do to prevent this from happening. You don’t need to worry if your dog gets this disease. 

Common Health Issues Of Chihuahuas


Dogs that are prone to luxating patella can start limping and can hold the affected leg in the air to reduce the discomfort. They do this because they want the kneecap back into place. 

When the conditions get painful the dogs try to kneecap back into their own. There will be no solution needed in some cases. You need to keep a close eye on your loving pooch for the sign of arthritis and pain. They can need medical treatment in their later life. If this problem gets severe your vet can suggest surgery. 

2. Seizures🐶

Common Health Issues Of Chihuahuas

Seizures, particularly epileptic seizures, are one of the common health problems in Chihuahuas. While this condition seems scary and can cause great concerns for the dog’s parents. Seizures can happen due to many reasons like issues in the brain, nerves or spines. 


The most common sign of seizures is uncontrolled shaking. Some  Chihuahuas nervously shake regularly, so you should know the shaking due to seizures. The things that you should notice is uncontrolled shaking that is accompanied by temporary unconsciousness or unresponsiveness. Seizures are more important than typical trembling. 

To prevent future episodes your Chihuahuahu needs medications. Your vet suggests you some precautions like stimuli and avoid certain activities and will  teach you how to take care of your dog. Sometimes medications can be needed to prevent this issue in the future. 

3. Hypoglycemia🌞

Common Health Issues Of Chihuahuas

This is the most common issue in Chihuahua and this medical term is low blood sugar. It occurs when the Chihuahuas do not eat enough and do not take a balanced diet. Some pets that  take a balanced diet can also suffer from this issue due to an underlying health problem. 

How to Spot it📋

Dogs that are prone to hypoglycemia can appear dizzy or shaky. They can also become disoriented, could not respond to their unusual cues, and confusing behavior. If the condition gets severe enough some dogs can lose consciousness or have seizures. 

Make sure your loving pooch eats a nutrition rich healthy diet. The food quantity should be according to their size and activity level. You should feed their calories into more meals, like 2, 3 meals per day. If increasing the food intake does not sort out the issue then your vet will prescribe some blood tests to diagnose any underlying health conditions. 

4. Heart disease👋🏿

Common Health Issues Of Chihuahuas

Many Chihuahuas can suffer from heart disease_especially valve disease, that can cause heart failure. This disease occurs when a valve disrupts the blood flow of the heart. This health issue can any time stop the blood flow that can be life-threatening. 


Heart conditions can often indicate breathing issues and the most common sign is coughing. Chihuahuas that have valve issues can hardly breath and are tired easily. They can suddenly increase panting.  

If you found these health issues in your dog you should take it to the vet right away. For this severe issue the early diagnosis can be critical and help to prevent more serious issues. Your vet can recommend EKG, X-rays or other cardiac tests to diagnose the exact reason for heart disease. Sometimes medications and change in lifestyle are enough to keep your pet far from diseases.  

5. Dental and gum disease🦷

Common Health Issues Of Chihuahuas

Among all dogs, especially small dogs like Chihuahuas are more prone to dental and gum disease. Like humans when tartar and plaque build up on teeth, gums will suffer due to them. Dental & gum disease is not just an anesthetic problem. And with the passage of time it can become painful and sometimes a more dangerous infection in your dog. 

How to Spot it

Common dental and gums issues can symptoms include bad breath, discolored teeth, loose teeth, drooling and loss of appetite. The start of bleeding from the gums can also occur. It can appear that your dog has difficulty eating hard food more than usual. 

All dogs need a daily dental routine. Some food that will be helpful for dental health and dental treats can help to reduce plaque and tartar through the natural method of chewing. The vet will recommend brushing your dog’s teeth regularly with the best dog toothpaste. Regular visits to the vet can catch early symptoms of poor dental health. 

6. Tracheal collapse🐶🌟

The Chihuahua windpipe is not as strong as in many other dogs. As a result the trachea cartilage rings can collapse and cause breathing problems. If tracheal collapse is left untreated it can seriously affect your Chihuahua and in results can shorten their lifespan.  


If your dog is facing a problem in breathing, it means the trachea is not working properly. Your dog can start coughing frequently. 

Your vet can start medication and even surgery to solve this issue. Early treatment is very essential to avoid more complicated issues. 

7. Glaucoma📖

Common Health Issues Of Chihuahuas

Chihuahuas can be prone to significant eye issues. The loss of eyesight can affect your dog’s ability to navigate the world safely. And Glaucoma is very painful too. This eye problem is the result of the damage to the optic nerve, and everything from the injury to poor blood flow can cause this issue.  

How to Spot it🎀

Symptoms of this issue include watery eyes, blue corneas, a milky ocular film, redness in the whites of the eyes and chronic squinting. It can also be very painful for your dog, who can feel pain while blinking. Their eyes can also start to appear bulging with the time. 

Common Health Issues Of Chihuahuas

If left untreated glaucoma can cause blindness. Your vet can prescribe medication like a hyperosmotic or beta-blockers to resolve the issue. In other cases surgery can also be necessary. 


Hydrocephalus is an abnormal production of cerebrospinal fluid inside the brain cavities. This fluid, which envelops the brain and spinal cord, supports, cushions, and nourishes the fragile tissues to maintain their health. This liquid fluid is produced in the brain’s cavities and is absorbed by the body. 

The accumulation of CSF liquid creates pressure on the brain and causes behavioral and neurological issues.The aberrant generation of CSF may result in fatal consequences such as brain herniation. 


Acute or chronic hydrocephalus symptoms include the following:

  • Training challenges, diminished awareness, or inability to react to stimuli 
  • Visual deficits, often blindness 
  • Abnormal gaze (eyes fixed down and away) 
  • Seizures 
  • Head pressing
  • Brain dysfunction 
  • Abnormal behavior—inappropriate vocalization, over excitability, drowsiness, circling 
  • Gait abnormalities 

Early treatment is very necessary, otherwise it can lead to death. Surgical insertion of the drainage is the most common treatment of hydrocephalus, which is called shunt. This treatment consists of long and flexible tube that drain all the extra fluid from the brain. 


Obesity is very common in small dogs like Chihuahuas, which occur from eating unhealthy food in an inappropriate amount. Obesity is not unnoticeable concern, it require proper care because it can contribute to many other conditions including: 

  • Arthritis 
  • Pancreatitis 
  • Kidney disease 
  • Respiratory compromise 
  • Abnormal response to insulin 
  • Increased anesthetic risk 
  • Decreased quality of life

commom healhmissue of chihuahua


Here are some main symptoms of obesity: 

  • Weight gain
  • Less energy than usual
  • Decreased exercise tolerance
  • A harness or collar that seems more constrictive than it ever did
  • Being unable to feel the ribs

commom healhmissue of chihuahua

Exercise and dietary changes are the basic components of treating obesity. Depending on the severity of obesity, increase the amount of daily exercise. Keep in mind, duration and intensity of exercise slowly increase as your loving pooch loses weight and becomes more fit. Set a healthy and balanced diet according to the vet recommendation.  

Common Health Issues Of Chihuahuas

Final Thought🐾

I hope you fully understand all the Chihuahua diseases, their symptoms and solutions. As a responsible owner you should take care of your loving pooch and keep a close eye for the early signs of any health issue. To keep them healthy, happy and long live you should provide them with a balanced diet, regular exercise, regular vet checkups etc is very essential. 

If you find any health issues in your pup, don’t waste the time taking your dog to the vet right away to start treatment on time.  

Common Health Issues Of Chihuahuas


Here are some common diseases of Chihuahua including Heart disease, Seizures, Dental and gum disease, Tracheal collapse, Glaucoma and Luxating patella. 

The main reason for deaths in Chihuahua is heart failure. And 75% of heart disease is caused by valve deterioration. 

The average lifespan of Chihuahua is between 12 to 18 years. Some Chihuahuas can live till the age of 20 years

Yes, Chihuahuas are healthy dogs and enjoy a long lifespan of 20 years.

To keep Chihuahuas healthy, give them a balanced diet, regular vet checkups, plenty of exercise, brushing teeth and coats and make sure of their vaccinations. 

Common Health Issues Of Chihuahuas

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