Tips to Take Care of Your Chihuahua’s Paws

Tips to Take Care of Your Chihuahua’s Paws: Dog’s paws are not only used for walking, they can also provide cushioning to protect bones and joints. Paw provides the insulation to the feet that allow your Chihuahua to walk on hot and cold surfaces. Taking care of Chihuahua’s paws to keep them healthy. 

This article will tell you the tips to take care of your Chihuahua’s paw.  

Tips to Take Care of Your Chihuahua's Paws

Anatomy of the Paw🐾

You know that Chihuahua’s paws are very different from your own. These are different in several areas. Let’s take a look:

Dogs have 4 digital pads, four main toes and toenails. Chihuahua’s paw pads come in pink, black, chocolate, blue or parti colored. Many Chihuahuas are born with pink pads. If they are genetically black then with the passage of time pigmentation will develop in the first few weeks. 

Chihuahuas toenails also come in different colors like chocolate, black, cream and white. While most of the Chihuahua puppies have the same colored nails.

Tips To Take Care Of Your Chihuahua’s Paws🧾🐾

1. Check Their Paws Regularly✔🐾

The best way to take care of Chihuahua paws is to check them regularly. You make sure to check their paws when they come from outside. If it’s not possible for you to check on a daily basis then you should do it once a week, but most probably more often when you have time.   

2. Keep Chihuahua Paw Clean🐾

Tips to Take Care of Your Chihuahua's Paws

Cleaning the paws is very essential in Chihuahua paw care.The foreign items can get stuck between the paws and cause injury to dogs. During the bathing, check the whole body of your loving pooch, if you see any debris between their toes then immediately remove it.  

The hair between the toes can get tangled in some Chihuahuas and lead to painful injuries. Cut the hair of this area carefully. You can also take your pet to the groomer to remove the hair between the toes. 

3. Trim The Nails

Tips to Take Care of Your Chihuahua's Paws

Nails trimming is an essential part of the Chihuahua’s grooming. Keep your dog’s nail short to prevent injuries and abnormalities, which can cause more health issues. 

Trim your Chihuahua nails in a comfortable environment, where your dog can rest easily like your lap and his bed, then start trimming your Chihuahua’s nails by keeping them in your hand. Avoid cutting them too deep that can lead to pain and bleeding. 

If your Chihuahua bleeds then give a little pressure to the tip of the claws or in a bit of cornstarch until the bleeding stops.

4. Summer Paw Care💦

Tips to Take Care of Your Chihuahua's Paws

In the summer season the dog’s paw care is very essential, because they are prone to be burned by hot surfaces. The ideal rule is that the sand, surface and sidewalk is hot for your bare feet then it’s absolutely hot for your Chihuahua puppy

If they need to walk then make sure to take them for a walk early in the morning or evening when it’s not too hot. Try to choose shades or grassy areas. Paw protection wax keeps your dog’s paw healthy and safe. 

5. Winter Paw Care🔥

Cold weather can lead to dry skin and  can cause cracked foot pads. In addition the melting agents and salts that are used on the road during the winter can cause irritation and injury for the dog’s paw. 

Use moisturizer in winter to prevent dryness and also wipe them with wet wash clothes or a baby wipes after a walk outside of the house. This will remove the chemicals agents that can damage the paws of the dog. 

Tips to Take Care of Your Chihuahua's Paws

6. Dog Booties🐶

Some Chihuahuas don’t like to wear the booties and sometimes it’s hard to find the small size that fits your Chihuahua. But the booties can protect your Chihuahua paws, especially in the summer season it allows them to walk on hot surfaces and in winter helps to keep their body temperature normal. 

7. Moisturize The Pads🧴

When the Chihuahua paws are dry they can crack and sometimes bleed. Dog’s paws are similar to human feet and they need care like human feet need care. Moisturize the dogs’ paws with a dog lotion, human lotion is not recommended for your dog because they can soften the paws too much that can cause health issues. When applying the moisturizer, massage it to make it a relaxing bonding experience. 

8. Looking Out Of Linking & Limping🎀

Dogs licks their paws and it’s a way of maintaining hygiene. But if you notice your dog excessively licking their paws then it can be a sign of any underlying issue. 

Similarly if you observe your dog is limping and hard to put weight into the paw its the sign of discomfort. If you do not know what’s going on, then seeking veterinarian help is a wise step. 

Chihuahua Paw’s Infection🐾

Tips to Take Care of Your Chihuahua's Paws

Generally, the Chihuahua’s paw infections are caused by microorganisms that can invade the body and affect the immune system. There are three main types of Chihuahua’s paw infection such as bacterial, fungal and yeast. 

Causes Of Chihuahua’s Paw Infection🐶❌

Chihuahua’s paw infection can arise due to different causes. Below is the main causes of Chihuahua’s paw infection: 

Fungal Infection✨💦

The fungal infection on the Chihuahua paw may have been brought on by a damp environment. Chihuahuas are household dogs and with allergies they are prone to different paw infections. This infection can be caused due to unpleasant odors, itchiness and inflamed paws. 

Parasitic Infection🎗🥨

Tips to Take Care of Your Chihuahua's Paws

Bacterial infection is one of the common infections of Chihuahua’s paws. This infection can be caused by punctures, scrapes and cuts. Staphylococcus is the common infection of Chihuahua’s paws.   


Allergic dogs are more prone to paw infection, because their skin is also prone to different infections and diseases. It is important to identify the Chihuahua’s allergies to reduce the risk of paw infection. 

Low Immunity System 🥑

Tips to Take Care of Your Chihuahua's Paws

Low immunity dogs are more prone to infections on different body parts, especially on paws because this is the only part of the Chihuahua’s body where there is no fur. 

Environmental Irritations🌃🐩

There are many environmental factors that can cause irritation on your Chihuahua’s paws like ice melt, chemical-laden surface or road salt. 

Symptoms Of Chihuahua Paw’s Infections🐾🧾

The symptoms of the Chihuahua’s paw infection are quite evident and similar regardless of the underlying causes. Here are symptoms of the Chihuahua’s paw infection that you need to look for: 

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Visible injury
  • Pain in the paw
  • Discolored nails
  • Foul smell from the paw
  • Reluctance to have paws touched
  • Greasy or discolored paw discharge
  • Difficulty walking or refusal to walk
  • Vocalizing when trying to walk
  • Constant licking or biting at the paws
Tips to Take Care of Your Chihuahua's Paws

Treatments For Chihuahua’s Paw Infection👨🏿‍⚕️🩺

Chihuahua’s paw infection is really a serious concern which requires professional assistance. Below are 9 useful treatments that you can do to cure a Chihuahua’s paw infection: 

  • Antifungal and Antibiotics Medications
  • Veterinary Examination
  • Paw Soaks
  • Topical Treatments
  • E-Collar (Elizabethan Collar)
  • Anti-inflammatory and Corticosteroids Medications
  • Nutritional Support
  • Wound Management
  • Environmental Changes

Tips to Take Care of Your Chihuahua's Paws
Tips to Take Care of Your Chihuahua's Paws


Keeping your dog’s paw safe and in good condition is very essential for their health. Wearing booties and moisturizing their paws in winter can keep their paws safe and cozy. Same in the summer you should care for your dog’s paw to prevent from walking on a hot surface. 

The cleanness and regular checkup of your Chihuahua paws prevent them from cracking, dry, and injury. If you feel any limping or licking issue or other issues in your Chihuahua consult with your vet. 

Tips to Take Care of Your Chihuahua's Paws


You can keep Chihuahua paw healthy through different methods include check it’s paws regularly, trim their nails, protect them from hot surface, moisturize their pads, clean after walk, and pay attention on paw’s odor. 

Before cleaning check tire paw pads and between toenails to check any debris, dirt or small pebbles that can cause irritation so wipe away debris with a damp Viva Signature Cloth paper towel.  

Yes, you can use vaseline on a dog’s paw. It will help with cracking. 

Dog’s often lick their paws when they are fresh out of a hot shower. Dogs lick when they show affection too. So, your loving pooch licks your paws for showing how much they love you. 

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