Are Chihuahuas Easy To Train

Chihuahuas are a charming and longest lived breed. A Chihuahua owner should consider the training of Chihuahuas that is very important to make a well-behaved dog. Before getting a Chihuahua you should know that, are Chihuahuas easy to train or not? And how you can train them. These are all things you will know in detail in our article. So, let’s start!

What you need to know 

A Chihuahua is a unique breed in many ways. They can be stubborn and independent dogs that can be aggressive if not properly socialized. There are some aggression issues given below:

  • They are the smallest dog breed but sometimes they behave larger than they are. That can be entertaining but can be dangerous if your dog is not properly trained. 
  • They can bark on strangers
  • Aggressive towards other dogs
  • too much jumping on outside voices

Are Chihuahuas easy to train

are chihuahuas easy to train

Generally most of the Chihuahuas are not easy to train.

Most people think that Chihuahuas don’t need training because they are too small and can carry easily like teddy bears but every dog needs training to grow, and to do some tasks they need some rules.

They should be training through interaction with other dogs and people. Small dogs like Chihuahuas should be trained from the crate, you can give them obedience training as well. They are bold, independent and can be stubborn so their training can be challenging. Patience, consistency and positive reinforcement techniques are the key to training.

Compulsory supplies to train the Chihuahua

To train the Chihuahua you will need following supplies:

  • 15-30 minutes uninterruption only focus on your dog.
  • Calm mindset and patience 
  • Training treats
  • A treat pouch that is important to give them quick rewards to reinforce the correct behavior. 
  • A harness and leash 
  • If you are interested in clicker training, keep a clicker with.

Tips of Chihuahua training 

Here are some tips to consider the training of your Chi:

Only train when good mental and emotional states 

are chihuahuas easy to train

Only start training when you and your Chi both are in a good mental and emotional state of mind. If you are stressed, the training will not be desired.  And if your dog is not in good condition then don’t start. When both are relaxed and in a good mood then the training session will be successful. 

Start Young

Start training when your dog is a puppy. And for Chihuahuas it’s very important to start training from a young age because they can be aggressive. They must know that they are family pets, and how to live in a house with adults and children as well. They are treated differently than other dogs, so they consider themself superior and don’t listen to your commands. 

Start with basic commands like, sit, stand, stay and come. In this way your Chi will be in your control. Keep the training period short otherwise your Chi can get bored.   

Treats should be different 

are chihuahuas easy to train

The treat that you offer your dog while they behave well during training sessions must  be yummy and different from traditional traits like biscuits. The treat should be special and different from their regular food. It will reinforce the behavior that they will perform their best to earn that treat. 

The treat should be given in pieces so they eat quickly and it allows your dog to eat maximum treats without adding many calories in diet. The treat must be including:

  • Dried chicken or cheese
  • Pet Botanics
  • Cut-up pieces of hot dogs
  • Vienna sausages
  • Baked chicken

Training session must be short 

are chihuahuas easy to train

Chihuahuas are small dogs so they can not bear the long training time period like larger dogs. Their attention span is little like adult humans do. The training session should be about 15 to 30 minutes long to get the desired results.

A group training class 

Consider a group training class will give you a lot of benefits, like:

  • An opportunity of socialization
  • A way to work with a dog with distraction that creates a strong bond with you and your Chihuahua.
  • learning more about the different  training behavioral issues through other students.
  • The other students can raise different questions that you don’t know, by this you can learn more.
Myths about Chihuahua training
Myth:1 Small dogs can’t be trained affectively
Myth:2 Chihuahua are aggressive dogs inherently
Myth:3 Chihuahua don’t need exercise
Myth:4 Chihuahua are very delicate for training
Myth:5 Chihuahua are stubborn by nature
Myth:6 Chihuahua can not along with other pets

What to do if Your Chihuahua training become Challenging 

Training can be challenging especially due to breeds that are difficult to train such as Chihuahua. When you feel the difficult during training, follow these tips:

Take a break 

are chihuahuas easy to train

If you feel your Chi is not taking any interest in training and you become frustrated. Then continuing the training is not a good idea. Take a break and when you and your dog both are in a good mood and ready for training then start back. 

Puppies don’t do best on a regular schedule; they need extra time to play, to eat and potty break. AKC experts says that you must give them potty break in these times:

  • First in the morning
  • Last at night
  • After playing indoors
  • After spending time in a crate
  • Upon waking up from a nap
  • After chewing a toy or bone
  • After eating
  • After drinking

Finding a professional trainer

are chihuahuas easy to train

If you are not sure about how to start the training and feel difficulties during training then it’s essential to contact a professional trainer for help. 


After discussing everything we can say that the Chihuahuas are difficult to train. So, they need affection and dedication from their owner, through training you and your Chi can make strong bonds. 

They should be training through interaction with other dogs and people. Small dogs like Chihuahuas should be trained from the crate, you can give them obedience training as well. They are bold, independent and can be stubborn so their training can be challenging. Patience, consistency and positive reinforcement techniques are the key to training. To get away from challenging situations you can take a break during training and get assistance from a professional trainer. 

FAQs of are Chihuahuas easy to train

Yes, Chihuahuas can be a bit stubborn but with the right approach and training with patience can be effective. 

Start training when you bring a puppy into your home. And for Chihuahuas it’s very important to start training from a young age because they can be aggressive. 

Yes, with proper socialization and consistency they can get training with other pets. 

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