Interesting Facts about chihuahua

Chihuahuas are a dog breed that captured the hearts of many dog lovers due to their small stature and charming personality. If you are a Chihuahua owner then you will want to know everything about your Chihuahua dog. In this article we will explain some interesting facts about Chihuahua breed that will amazed you. This article is going to be very interesting, so let’s dive into the Chihuahua world!

Interesting Facts About Chihuahua

Interesting Facts About Chihuahua

Interesting Facts About Chihuahua

Here are some chill facts about Chihuahua:

1.Chihuahua come from Mexico🐕‍🦺

They come from Mexico in North America. This came from an ancient dog breed called the Techichi.  Christopher Columbus even  saw them and recorded them. 

2.They are named after State👍

You will be surprised to know that Chihuahuas are named after the state of Chihuahua in Mexico. Researchers say this is due to the state where the dogs were first bred.

3.Their date back 100 of Years🐾

Chihuahuas were hundreds of years back. In the 16 century Columbus met Chihuahuas, and Aztecs and Mayans bred them. They were introduced first in the show as a breed in the 20th Century.

4.Chihuahuas are one of the smallest breed👌😺

Interesting facts about Chihuahua

Chihuahuas are a very small breed in the world of dogs. They are so tiny as they don’t weigh more than about 6 pounds and only 9 inches tall.

5.In the 19th Century Chihuahua become popular💥

They became famous during the 19th Century when they saw a fashion for lap dogs. Dogs that were sitting on your lap was the trend at that time and every rich folks had them as their signature of status. 

6.Chihuahua have long Lifespan😺⏳

A Chihuahua lifespan is one of the longest lifespans in the world of dogs. They can live up to 20 years, they usually live 12 to 15 years.

7.Chihuahua usually have health problems👨‍⚕️🐶

Interesting facts about Chihuahua

Due to their limited gene pool Chihuahua have some health problems. Like other dogs they have to face some health issues like eye problems, joint issues, and heart problems.

8.They are very smart dogs👀😸

Chihuahuas look small and silly but they are very smart and brilliant dogs. Besides being smart they are very loyal and can defend their owner. That’s the reason you can see them yapping at humans.

Interesting facts about chihuahua

9.They don’t like Cold🙌

Chihuahuas are very sensitive to cold; they were initially bred in hot climates. Their owners should put them on warm clothing and jumpers during cold weather.

10.Chihuahua born with Floppy ears👌

All chihuahua born with floppy ears. When they get older their ears start to stand up.

11.White Chihuahua are rare😸

Interesting facts about Chihuahua

Chihuahuas come in different colors and markings but the white is a rare one. Blue, blue merle and black are also rare but they come after white.

12.Aztecs believed Chihuahua have power

The Aztecs believed Chihuahuas were sacred and they often keep them as pets. They loved giving them special treatment and pampering them even burying the dog with their owner after death.

13.Chihuahua get snatched by other animals🏃‍♂️😚

Interesting facts about chihuahua

As you know Chihuahuas are very light weight dogs so they are known to get kidnapped by big animals such as hawks, crows and eagles. That’s why you should use a leash when taking your Chihuahua outside. 

14.They have two different head shapes🐕‍🦺

Chihuahuas have two different head shapes which are known as a “Deer head” or “Apple head”. 

An apple shape is when the skull seems to be rounded with a prominent forehead. Whereas the deer head has a longer head with a longer snout. 

The apple head is more common in two.

Interesting Facts About Chihuahua

15.Taco bell employed a Chihuahua for its commercial🐺

Taco Bell employed a Chihuahua for their commercial in the 1990s. 

16.Chihuahua is one of the aggressive breed of dogs🐕

Interesting facts about Chihuahua

Chihuahua are known as aggressive breeds in the dog world. Like other aggressive dogs he needs to expose them to people, children and animals from a young age, so that this negative behavior can be managed.

17.A pack of Chihuahua terrorized a small town of Arizona🦴

A pack of Chihuahuas in 2014 terrorized a small town of Arizona. This Chihuahua pack was attacked on school children everywhere and even included  larger stray dogs in their pack. The situation was not under control. Locals were encouraged to close them in their gardens and call animal control.

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18.Chihuahua have soft spot on their heads🐶

When babies are born they have a soft spot on their heads called “Molera”. This is found on the forehead and occurs when a puppy is born. Between 80% to 90% chihuahua are born with Molera, mostly this occurring in apple head Chihuahuas.

Interesting Facts about chihuahua

19.Chihuahuas shrunk with the time💎

The earlier versions of the Chihuahua were larger than the current Chihuahua size. It was thought that after crossing with Asian smaller hairless dogs like Chinese Crested the breed shrank in size.

20. Toys or Teacups💫

Interesting facts about Chihuahua

Chihuahuas are very small dogs in the world as you read above. They are often referred to as Teacup Chihuahuas and it’s true the puppies can fit in a teacup, pocket breed or miniature. These are only marketing terms. They fit under the umbrella of the toy dog breed.

21. Chihuahua have big Brains🙀

Chihuahuas have the biggest brain than all dogs. When we talk about the size of the brain in proportion to body size the Chihuahua comes at the top level. However, according to the book “The Intelligence of Dogs’ ‘ by Stanley Cohen  which rates dog breeds’ such as adaptive or instinctive instinctive intelligence and obedience, chihuahua comes bottom of the list.

22. Tiny but Mighty😻

Chihuahua can be small but they are very loyal and protective towards their owner. They know quickly if any stranger comes into the house, then start barking to alert their family. Despite their small size they could never see themselves as underdogs.

Interesting Facts About Chihuahua

23. Medical Myths

According to the old people,  Chihuahuas were able to cure many respiratory diseases like asthma and other allergies. People believed that if they sat next to the allergic people, they could absorb their condition, taking their Asthma. This theory appeared in medical journals in the 1960s, but there is no evidence of it.

24. Chihuahua love to burrow😺😚

Chihuahuas love to burrow into a warm place to sleep. It may hark back to their status as a wild because this small dog can be a target for predators, so this enables them to hide and be safe from large animals.

25.  Cesareans are common in Chihuahuas🐾

They have large heads as compared to body size, that’s why Chihuahuas are born by Cesareans. It’s common in Chihuahua as compared to other breeds. Apple head Chihuahuas are more likely to have a C-section.

26.Chihuahua are cat like dogs😎👍

Interesting facts about Chihuahua

Owners often say that Chihuahuas are like cats. They do not have only size like cats but they have cat-like instincts like grooming and cleaning, sitting in your lap and basking in the sunshine. And like the cats the small apartments can be a fit house for them.

27. Maternal instinct👍

There are lots of stories of Chihuahuas adopting orphan kittens and becoming part of their own Chihuahua family. They not only love the Chihuahua breed dogs but are also ready to welcome kittens.

28. A long standing breed🐕‍🦺

The Chihuahua was registered by the American Kennel Club in 1904, the same year as the boxer, Schipperke and schnauzer they presented more well over a century of history. 

Interesting Facts about chihuahua

29.Small Litters

The average litter size of Chihuahuas is 5 or 6 according to a study, but Chihuahua typically produce just 1-3. Generally, the smaller the breed, the smaller the litter. However a record of a litter of 11 puppies set in 2018.

30. Famous Fans😎

Chihuahuas are loved by many famous people including Paris Hilton, Demi Moore, Madonna, Johnny Depp, and Britney Spears. And not enough, due to their small size they can fit in their purse to make the red carpet happy!

31. Racing Chihuahuas🦮

Interesting facts about Chihuahua

Chihuahuas are canine race track stars. Chihuahua races are held in different American cities like Denver, Arizona and Washington DC. But don’t compare them in speed like greyhounds. The Greyhounds speed 45 mph and with training the Chihuahua speed is 20mph!

32. The Chihuahua Shadow🤷‍♀️

Interesting Facts about chihuahua

Chihuahuas are very loyal and loving dogs. They make one person their favorite from the family, which they love more. You will never find yourself alone, your Chihuahua will follow you like a shadow wherever you go. They also try to defend you because they are very protective. 

33. Chihuahua are prone to Obesity😾 

Chihuahuas are bossy and a strong breed so their owner overfeeds them so they get over weight. Due to obesity they can get many other health issues so make sure to feed them according to their size. Always ask the vet before making a feeding schedule.

34. Wild Chihuahua used to climbed trees😺

This breed is small but you believe that they are once agile tree climbers. 

35. Chihuahua needs regular teeth Problems🦮

Interesting facts about Chihuahua

Chihuahuas have smaller mouths than other breeds that can cause more crowding of teeth and can lead to tooth decay, infection and more other issues. To prevent these issues they need regular teeth brushin.

Interesting Facts About Chihuahua


At last, knowing the very Interesting facts about Chihuahua, you will want to adopt this unique breed. They have not only interesting facts but they are very loyal and affectionate dogs that need your attention. They have small stature but have big personalities which make them unique in the dog world. 

Interesting Facts About Chihuahua


They stay small, have long lifespans, are loyal, playful, intelligent and easy to train, great guard dogs, affordable to feed, come in a range of colors etc. 

They are known for their tiny size, round big eyes, shivering and shaking and there are many other things about Chihuahuas known for.

You will be surprised to know that Chihuahuas are named after the state of Chihuahua in Mexico. Researchers say this is due to the state where the dogs were first bred, first noted in the mid 19th century. 


Interesting Facts About Chihuahua

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