Can Chihuahua eat bread? As human beings we eat bread on a daily basis. But I have seen dogs eat bread in the form of sandwiches, slices and even whole loaves of bread. But is it safe for dogs? Bread provides little nutritional benefits to the dogs. But if they consume it they will not get any harm.
In our guide you will find all things about can Chihuahuas eat bread, is it safe for them or not and how much quantity they can consume safely?
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Can Chihuahua eat bread
Chihuahuas can eat bread but in moderation. But it has little health benefits for dogs. Whole grain bread provides some fiber to some dogs that support the digestive system. Plain white bread is also helpful in your dog’s upset stomach, but bread can create other health issues that a dog’s owner should consider while feeding the bread to the dog.
Avoid giving raw dough to your dog because dog’s body heat activates the yeast in the bread and it expands and rises in your dog’s stomach and causes bloating and respiratory problems. See your dog to the vet if your dog consumed the raw dough.
Bad Ingredients of Bread for Dogs
Bread contains many bad ingredients for dogs that can cause health issues so avoid giving to your dog. Some bad ingredients mentioned below:
All the things that contain chocolate are toxic to dogs. Chocolate contains theobromine that affects the dog’s respiratory system and nervous system, and can cause life threatening issues such as seizures.
Garlic or onion
Never feed your dog onion and garlic bread, they contain compounds that can damage the red blood cells and cause hemolytic anemia.
Some nuts are not good for dogs, especially macadamia nuts, which can lead to pancreatitis.
Raisins are toxic to dogs in the form of grapes. Feeding raisin bread can cause kidney failure for pets.
Some baked items and bread contain Xylitol , this is an artificial sweetener that is not safe for dogs.
Risks of feeding bread to Chihuahua
If your dog consuming plain white or brown bread is not toxic but too much use can lead to obesity. If your dog eats a large amount of bread in one go then it can experience symptoms like stomach issues, bloating and constipation. If they suffer from diarrhea and constipation then take your dog to your vet for advice on how to treat it.
Types of bread to avoid feeding Chihuahua
There are some bread that is very toxic to dogs so avoid them:
- Garlic bread
- Seeded bread
- Sourdough bread
- Bread that contain toxic ingredients as mentioned above
- Banana bread
- Pumpkin bread
- Ginger bread
How to safely feed bread to your Chihuahua
Bread is safe for dogs in limited quantities. Follow the tips if you want to offer bread to your dogs as a treat:
- Offer only small pieces of bread to your dogs but only on occasion. Bread is contions on carbs so don’t give it on a regular basis.
- Always serve plain bread to your dog, keep the bread free from jams because it is high in sugar. You can use a small amount of peanut butter on the bread but make sure peanut butter is free from artificial sweetener and xylitol.
- Keep in mind to serve them bread only as one minor part in your dog’s diet. Give priority to the dog food that is contained in vitamins and minerals and serve bread in moderation.
Is bread Good for a Chihuahua with an upset Stomach?
You have been told that bread is good for dogs with an upset stomach. But it’s not true, the experts say that if your dog has upset stomach symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting etc then give them a blended diet which includes rice but not bread.
In general if you want to feed your pup bread keep it plain and give in small proportion and feel free to enjoy bread but in moderation.
Final words
If your dog consuming plain white or brown bread is not toxic but too much use can lead to obesity. If your dog eats a large amount of bread in one go then it can experience symptoms like stomach issues, bloating and constipation. If they suffer from diarrhea and constipation then take your dog to your vet for advice on how to treat it.
In general if you want to feed your pup bread keep it plain and give in small proportion and feel free to enjoy bread but in moderation.
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