French Bulldog Chihuahua mix

If you want to adopt a small, easily maintainable breed that is also smart and affectionate you may look at the French Bullhuahua. These dogs are the cross between a French bulldog and Chihuahua. This designer dog is popular due to their adorable look and charming personality. Although it’s not recognized by AKC but has captured the hearts of many dog lovers globally.. Let’s come with us in the world of the French Bulldog Chihuahua mix. I hope it will be a very wonderful journey. So, be with us!

Quick Overview

 French Bulldog Chihuahua mix

6–12 inches tall

French Bulldog Chihuahua mix

10–30 pounds

French Bulldog Chihuahua mix

11–14 years

French Bulldog Chihuahua mix

Black, brown, cream, white

French Bulldog Chihuahua mix
Suitable for:

Companion dogs, family dogs

French Bulldog Chihuahua mix

Intelligent, affectionate, protective, stubborn, excitable

French Bulldog Chihuahua mix

French Bulldog Chihuahua mix

The Chihuahua French Bulldog mix is the cross between the French Bulldog and Chihuahua. It’s also known as the French Bullhuahua This mix results in small and easily maintainable dogs that have inherited the trait from both parents’ breed. While the French bulldog has a friendly and sociable nature and Chihuahuas have small size and feisty personality. These little furry friends are compact, and loyal making them perfect for companion dogs.

  • French Chihuahua
  • Frencheenie
  • Mexican Frenchie

  • ACHC = American Canine Hybrid Club
  • DDKC = Designer Dogs Kennel Club
  • DRA = Dog Registry of America, Inc.
  • IDCR = International Designer Canine Registry®
  • ICA = International Canine Association

History of French Bulldog Chihuahua mix

French Bulldog Chihuahua mix

To know the history of the french bulldog chihuahua mix, you first have to know about the history of their parents’ breed. The French bulldog originated from England. On the other hand the Chihuahua originate from ancient Mexico. When they were mixed there was no history founded, oral history states that over the years these mixed breeds excited naturally. 

Although common knowledge tells us that the French Bullhuahua was recognized as a designer breed in the 2000s, in North America, when designer breeds were in demand.

 French Bulldog Chihuahua mix

Temperament of French Bulldog Chihuahua mix

The French Bullhuahua is a loyal and loving dog that wants to sit in the owner’s lap and wants attention. Sometimes they can be stubborn and aggressive, so start your French Bullhuahua training right away to make them a well-behaved dog. 

They are a perfect balance of protector or companion dogs and perfect apartment pets for urban dwellers. They are very talkative dogs, making them alert dogs. They have moderate energy levels. To make them friendly, early socialization is very essential. 

 French Bulldog Chihuahua mix

Are French Bulldog Chihuahuas good for families and other pets?

Yes, this dog breed is well with small children and best suited with singles or small families. These dogs love to play with their favorite person, but remain good with other family members as well. They are generally reserved with strangers. If you have a puppy dog then ensure to teach them how to interact with a dog. 

To get along with other pets the French Bullhuahua need plenty of socialization. They are overprotective and territorial animals, so give your pet opportunities to meet with other pets at an early age.

French Bullhuahua Care Requirements

🥗Food & Diet Requirements

When we talk about the diet of French Bullhuahua you should choose the high quality kibble that is made for small dogs. This breed is small so they eat between ¾ and 1¾ cup of food per day. The exact food amount should be according to your pet activity level, weight and size.


As a small breed this dog needs moderate exercise. You should take your French Bullhuahua for a walking minimum at least 30 minutes each day. You should give them an opportunity to run around in the backyard or in a park but in moderation.


The French Bullhuahua is a stubborn dog, a trait inherited by both parents. This stubborn nature makes the training more challenging. If you are a new owner then this will be difficult for you to train this breed, but don’t worry invest some money to hire a professional trainer for it.

It’s very important that your French Bullhuahua needs training and socialization from an early age to avoid unwanted behavior. Use positive reinforcement techniques during training sessions it will work best and help in to reduce bad behavior. 


The grooming of French Bullhuahua is very easy. They need to brush coats 2 to 3 times a week to get a healthy coat.  Bath your dog when needed, don’t bathe them excessively otherwise natural oil will be removed. Clean its ears regularly and trim their nails once every few weeks. Make sure to brush their teeth regularly to prevent tartar buildup. 

Health and Conditions

French Bulldog Chihuahua mix

Mostly French Bullhuahua are healthy dogs but like other dog breeds they are susceptible to certain health issues that they inherited from their parents. In the given table you will see the minor and serious health issues of French Bullhuahua:

  • Allergies
  • Hypoglycemia

  • Hip dysplasia
  • Patellar luxation
  • Collapsed trachea
  • Hydrocephalus
  • Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD)
 French Bulldog Chihuahua mix

Male Vs Female French Bullhuahua

Generally male Chihuahuas are slower learners than females. Male Chihuahua are easier to socialize with humans than females. While females can easily get along with other animals than males. 

The French bulldog owner says that the females are sweet and less aggressive than males. Males tend to more independent than females 

Little-Known Facts About the French Bullhuahua

The French Bulldog also originated in England.

Both French Bulldogs and Chihuahuas are considered “talkative” dogs.

Both of the parental breeds have become common dogs for famous people to own.

The breeding of this mix was originally intended to decrease breathing problems.

Final Words

Overall, the French Bulldog Chihuahua mix can become great pets. But they are not suitable for all households, if you are a beginner dog owner and if you have young children then French Bullhuahua is not for you. If you have a little space to live and want a small dog that can easily fit in your house then French Bullhuahua is a great option for you. They are very loyal, friendly and affectionate dogs. 

At the end choose a pet that is right for you and make sure to spend time with a potential adoptee so you will know whether it will work for you and your family.

You might also like: Chihuahua Corgi Mix Puppy 


A French Bullhuahua costs between $1,500 to $8,000. The price can vary depending on their health, grooming and overall lifestyle.

The French Bulldog Chihuahua mix is a cross between the Chihuahua and French bulldog. They are compact, spunky and loyal, and inherited the best traits from both parents.

The life expectancy of the French Bulldog Chihuahua mix is between 12 to 14 years.

The French Bulldog Chihuahua mix average height is between 6–12 inches tall and weigh is between 10–30 pounds.

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