How Many Puppies Can A Chihuahua Have

Chihuahuas are small and adorable dogs that are a popular pet for all families. They first originated in Mexico. They are intelligent, confident, playful, beautiful and sometimes protective dogs. 

On average, Chihuahua have 1 to 3 puppies in a litter, while some Chihuahuas have 5 to 6 puppies in a litter and some may have only one. The size of the puppies can be influenced on the age, health and as well as the genetics of the mother. Typically, Chihuahua have smaller puppies than other dog breeds. 

Chihuahuas can have 4 litters per year, but it is recommended that they have no more than 3 litters in their lifetime. Overbreeding can lead to death problems. Today in this article, we will discuss in detail the question “How many puppies can a Chihuahua have?” 

How Many Puppies Can A Chihuahua Have

History Of Chihuahua🐩

Chihuahua is a Mexican dog breed that is named from the state of Mexico, Chihuahua. This dog breed is the smallest among all other dog breeds. From the ancient civilizations such as Azctecs and Toltecs, these small creatures originate. These household dogs were cherished as special companions and believed to hold spiritual significance. 

In 1904, this small creature was officially recognized as a breed through the American Kennel Club

How Many Puppies Do Chihuahua Have In The First Time🐕‍🦺🐶

How Many Puppies Can A Chihuahua Have

On average Chihuahuas have 1 to 3 puppies for the first time. When Chihuahua get older, they may have 5 to 6 puppies. So the general role is;

  1. The younger Chihuahua when she is having her first litter, the size of the litter is small.
  2. The older Chihuahua when she is having her first time, she will have the larger litter. 

It is uncommon to see the Chihuahua to have more than 3 puppies her first time around and the number of puppies in their litter is bell-shaped. The female Chihuahua will have a small litter during the first few pregnancies and on their third pregnancy, they may have a large litter of more than 3 puppies. By their fifth pregnancy, their litter size may decrease again. 

If there are more than 3 puppies, it means that the puppies in the litter may experience potential health issues. 

Chihuahuas Litter Size Compared To Other Dog Breeds🐕‍🦺

The average litter size of Chihuahua is 1 to 3 puppies, let’s take a look on the litter size of the other dog breeds;

  • Chihuahua : 1 to 3 puppies.
  • French Bulldog : 3 puppies.
  • Poodle : 3 puppies.
  • Shih Tzu : 3 puppies.
  • Yorkshire Terrier : 3 puppies.
  • English Bulldog : 3 to 4 puppies.
  • Boston Terrier : 3 to 5 puppies.
  • Miniature Dachshund : 4 puppies.
  • Pug : 4 to 6 puppies.
  • Springer Spaniel : 4 to 6 puppies.
  • Standard Dachshund : 4 to 8 puppies.
  • Beagle : 6 puppies.
  • Miniature Schnauzer : 6 puppies.
  • Basset Hound : 6 to 8 puppies.
  • Corgi : 6 to 8 puppies. 
  • Bernese Mountain Dog : 8 puppies.
  • German Shepherd Dog : 8 puppies.
  • Great Dane : 8 puppies.
  • Golden Retriever : 4 to 12 puppies.
  • Labrador : 5 to 10 puppies.
  • Rottweiler : 6 to 12 puppies.

Is It Risky For Chihuahuas To Have Puppies🐶🐶

In some cases, because of their small size, pregnancy may be dangerous for both the mother and the puppy. In the past, some Chihuahuas had no problem giving birth to their litter. 

What Happens When A Bigger Dog Mates With A Smaller Chihuahua?🐩🐱

How Many Puppies Can A Chihuahua Have

It could be dangerous if the Chihuahua gets pregnant by a bigger dog and it can also be risky to deliver her puppies. If the puppies are large in size, then the mama may experience difficulty during labor. 

Before Your Chihuahua Gets Pregnant 🌟✨

Taking care of the pregnant Chihuahua is a very challenging task. Because of their small-size, there can be a risk to both mama and her litter. Before getting pregnant, make sure your Chihuahua is healthy for this, because a healthy mama is equal to a healthy litter. They should have enough exercise. 

In addition, a Chihuahuas pregnancy is better planned, but some owners opt for a C-section for their pooch. It’s because the heads of the Chihuahuas puppies are large. 

Unplanned Pregnancy💥

If your Chihuahua got pregnant suddenly, it could happen in many ways;

Your female Chihuahua is in heat for the first time in her 4th month, you didn’t notice the sign and a dog might have mounted her without your knowledge. Keep in mind, a male can smell a female dog in heat up to 3 miles away and female Chihuahuas actively seek a male in her estrus phase (when female dog is receptive to a male dog).

Is Your Chihuahua Pregnant🐾

If your Chihuahua is pregnant, you need to give the appropriate gestation care. You can see the following signs of pregnancy;

  • Weight gain.
  • Her nipples may increase in size.
  • Her stomach will grow large quickly.
  • She cleans herself more often than usual.
  • She’s not as energetic as before. She may act tired or lethargic.
  • She will experience similar human morning sickness. During the pregnancy, she will show an increase in appetite. 

Hormone Tests💉

A hormone test is very necessary if your female Chihuahua is pregnant for 30 days or more. If your Chihuahua produces relaxation, the vet will do a hormone test to see. A hormone that was released during the pregnancy is called relaxin


Palpation can be done within the 3 to 4 weeks of pregnancy. During this process, the membrane around the fetus forms a fluid-filled sac and these sacs can be felt. 

Ultrasound 📺

Ultrasound is done between 25 to 35 days of pregnancy. Ultrasounds determine whether your female Chihuahua is pregnant and it can also detect the fetal heartbeats and you will also know the age of the fetus. 


X-rays determine how many puppies your Chihuahua will have. This is best done when your Chihuahua is in 42 to 45 days of pregnancy. 

At this time, only the skull and spinal bone are visible on X-ray. For an accurate number of puppies wait until 55 days of pregnancy. Your vet can determine the time of the selective C-section. 

Process Of Chihuahua Pregnancy🐶

Chihuahua pregnancy is a complex process that requires attention and careful monitoring. It is important for owners to understand the different stages of Chihuahua pregnancy to ensure the health and safety of both. 

Stages Of Chihuahua Pregnancy💉💉

Chihuahua pregnancy lasts between 58 to 68 days. During this time, your pregnant Chihuahua will go three different distinct stages of pregnancy; 

  • First Trimester
  • Second Trimester
  • Third trimester
How Many Puppies Can A Chihuahua Have

The first trimester lasts between 1 to 21 days. During this stage, the fertilized eggs will implant in the uterus and begin to develop and Chihuahuas may experience morning sickness, loss of appetite and lethargy. 

The second trimester lasts from 21 to 42 days. This stage is characterized for rapid growth and development of the puppies. During this stage, the belly of Chihuahua begins to expand and she may experience weight gain and increase in appetite. 

The third trimester lasts from 42 days to until birth. At this stage, the puppies are fully developed and preparing for birth. As the due days approaches, the mother Chihuahua will begin to show signs of nesting behavior and may experience more restlessness and anxiety. 

Chihuahua Gestation Period🐕‍🦺

How Many Puppies Can A Chihuahua Have

The gestation period is typically between 58 to 68 days, with an average pregnancy lasting from 63 days. The gestation periods can vary depending on the size, age of the Chihuahua and the number of the puppies. 

During the gestation period, it is very essential to maintain a proper diet and take proper care of them. Regular vet check-up is necessary to monitor the signs of any health issues. All these activities promote a successful birth.

Health complication Of Chihuahua Pregnancy🥑🥗

How Many Puppies Can A Chihuahua Have

Your female Chihuahua may face some serious health problems during the pregnancy. Some health issue are given below;

Hypoglycemia : During the gestation period, Hypoglycemia may be very dangerous for your loving pooch. To prevent hypoglycemia, check the dog’s diet and provide them small and frequent meals. 

Gestational Diabetes : During pregnancy, gestational diabetes can lead to complications for both mother and her puppies. A veterinarian check-up is necessary and he will provide the appropriate treatment if necessary. 

Pre-eclampsia : Pre-eclampsia is a serious condition that occurs in the pregnant Chihuahua. It can be dangerous for both the mother and the puppy. High blood pressure, protein in the urine, and swelling are the symptoms of preeclampsia.

Dystocia : In this condition, the puppies get too large and can not pass through the birth canal. This can be life-threatening for both mother and the puppy. In this case, a veterinarian treatment is very necessary. 

Role Of Veterinarian 🩺

How Many Puppies Can A Chihuahua Have

A veterinarian plays an important role for ensuring the health of mother and puppies during the pregnancy. 

  • Regular check-up is necessary to monitor the mother’s health and the development of the puppies. 
  • Provide better treatment for any health related complications. 
  • A vet can monitor the dog’s blood sugar level and provide better treatment for gestational diabetes.  
  • To ensure the safe delivery, perform the C-section if necessary. 
  • A vet provides guidance about the diet and care of the mother and the puppies. 

How Many Puppies Can A Chihuahua Have


Chihuahuas are small and adorable dogs that are a popular pet for all families. They first originated in Mexico. They are intelligent, confident, playful, beautiful and sometimes protective dogs. 

On average, Chihuahua have 1 to 3 puppies in a litter, while some Chihuahuas have 5 to 6 puppies in a litter and some may have only one. The size of the puppies can be influenced on the age, health and as well as the genetics of the mother. 

It’s important to monitor the female Chihuahua’s health during the pregnancy period. There are three stages of pregnancy in Chihuahuas that are discussed above in detail. A veterinarian check-up is very essential to ensure the safe delivery and the health of the mother and the puppies. Sometimes, the puppies get too large and can not pass through the birth canal. In this case, a veterinarian treatment is very crucial. 

How Many Puppies Can A Chihuahua Have


The process of Chihuahuas pregnancies typically lasts between 58 to 68 days, with an average pregnancy lasting from 63 days. They produce 2 to 4 tiny puppies. 

On average Chihuahuas have 1 to 3 puppies for the first time. When Chihuahua get older, they may have 5 to 6 puppies.

Your Chihuahua shows many signs of  pregnancy;

  • Weight gain.
  • Swollen Stomach.
  • Increase in appetite.
  • Gets tiring easier.
  • Irritability.
  • More affectionate.
  • Vomiting (in the first few weeks)
  • Decrease in appetite (first few weeks)

How Many Puppies Can A Chihuahua Have

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