Chihuahua Skull

chihuahua skull

Chihuahua Skull: Adopting a dog for your family is not a decision to make lightly. After all, you are adding a new family member to love and grow with. There are many types of dogs that you can adopt for your family, but the most famous and beautiful dog is the Chihuahua. The Chihuahua is

Chihuahua Rottweiler Mix

Chihuahua Rottweiler Mix

Chihuahua Rottweiler Mix is the product of the cross breeding between the Rottweiler and Chihuahua. They are also known as Chiweiler or Rottchi. The Chihuahua Rottweiler possesses some fine attributes you want in a furry friend. Chiweiler combines the distinctive characteristics of both the Rottweiler and the Chihuahua. Chiweiler have a compact and sturdy body

Can Eat Chihuahua Cheese

Can Eat Chihuahua Cheese

We love cheese as human beings and sometimes we notice that our dog often looks at us with mouth watering. Can Chihuahuas eat cheese? Yes Chihuahuas can eat cheese, it’s not toxic. In fact, cheese is used as a training tool. But some dogs are intolerant of cheese. Even dogs which tolerate cheese are the

Merle Chihuahua

Merle Chihuahua

Chihuahuas are one of the most popular dog breeds in the UK. The Chihuahua is the world’s smallest breed, which helps to contribute to their popularity. Chihuahuas can be found in both long and short haired variants. They are intelligent, loyal, friendly and affectionate dogs. They have different head shapes, some may even be blue.